What to Expect

A Past Life Regression session is rather lengthy, usually running from two to three hours or so. Sessions generally contain the following elements which flow together naturally to encompass a complete regression experience.
We will discuss your life issues and what you are seeking in your session. Your personal information will remain private and confidential, so please be candid; the more I understand of your story, the better I can serve you. In your session, you may choose to explore a particular issue, such as, did you ever live in France in a past life, did you know your current spouse in a past life, is there an unresolved past life situation regarding 'x' that is still bothering you. Or, you may simply elect to leave things open and to be directed to a past life that is of most value for you to explore now.
We will discuss hypnosis and the regression process, and you are encouraged to ask as many questions as you wish. We may choose to guide you through a few brief enjoyable mental exercises which are designed to limber up your mind, memory, and sensory imagination.
Hypnotic Induction
Once you are comfortable and all is ready, we will begin. Using various gentle and effective hypnotic techniques tailored to your individual style and needs, we will start with a hypnotic induction. This consists of you closing your eyes and relaxing while I verbally guide you down into a peaceful hypnotic state. We will spend adequate time deepening your state... and then deepen some more, and still more.
Past Life Regression
As the time is right, I will guide you to explore one of your past lives. You will perceive your past life body and the environment, and we'll survey the living conditions, the personal relationships, and some of the important milestones and experiences of the lifetime. We will also investigate any special issues with which you may be concerned. When we have completed our journey, we will move to the last day. Here you can arise from the body and flow into a higher awareness, to painlessly and dispassionately observe or understand the death.

Following the past life death, you will ascend and shift into a higher spiritual awareness. From this greater vantage, we will gain understanding of the purpose and meaning of the past lifetime. We will also see if or how it might be affecting your current life.
Usually at this point, we will meet with your personal Spirit Guide. We will discuss the past life with your wise friend, and see how the previous lifetime has affected your soul's development. You may also be given other information relevant to your life today.
Concluding the Session
The session will wind down naturally and we will return to the present. If possible, you can stay and sit for a few minutes afterwards. We want to make sure you're fully in the here and now before you leave the office. We may briefly discuss your experiences if you wish.
Within a couple of weeks, you can receive the recording of your session as a digital file transfer via email. You are always welcome to contact me after our work together to discuss your experience, to seek information or clarification, or... just to say hello.
Creativity and Flexibility
While the above outlines a typical session experience, the Past Life Regression process easily lends itself to a customization of each client's individual needs. Before we begin your session, we will discuss your personal desires, and tailor the process accordingly.